Welcome to Romi Basha Designs, where creativity, history,and passion come together to bring you unique and inspiring creations.

My journey started in the mesmerizing city of Madrid, where I found myself captivated by its beautiful streets. During a visit with my family, I stumbled upon the famous El Rastro flea market, and there, I discovered my love for items with a rich history. Among the treasures at the market, my attention was instantly drawn to an old French army jacket. Its classic aesthetic, adorned with the "Armee Francaise" stamp and a glimpse of its issuance year inside the pocket, spoke to me. With a deep desire to preserve and share this piece of history, I took it upon myself to turn it into a work of art.

The first attempt was humbling; the paint cracked, and the embellishments I added did not hold. However, I remained undeterred and persisted, refining my techniques and learning from each mistake. Armed with flexible paint and fabric glue, my subsequent designs flourished. In 2016, I opened my Etsy shop, and soon, my designs caught the eye of a buyer from California, leading to my first ever order! My creations gradually made their way into boutiques and even captured the attention of renowned celebrities like Oprah and Gigi Hadid. In 2017, my collection featured at multiple Bloomingdales trunk shows, and my business began to evolve.

I draw profound inspiration from the legacy of my grandfather, Aaron Basha, the visionary behind a globally renowned jewelry brand celebrated for its eclectic, vibrant charms, including the iconic baby shoes. Growing up in the midst of this generational creativity, I felt connected to this energy for as long as I could remember. Naturally, I carried forward the family's creative flame through fashion. From the very start, my designs were infused with the whimsical and colorful essence of my grandfather's presence.

A pivotal moment came in 2018 when the Robin Hood Foundation
approached me for a design collaboration. Their mission to alleviate poverty in New York City, my hometown, resonated deeply with my heart. This opportunity to give back while doing what I love filled me with gratitude and purpose.

Juggling the demands of a thriving business and a rigorous college curriculum wasn't without its challenges, but I persevered. Whether it meant purchasing fabric on my phone or working on my website during breaks between lectures, I found harmony in balancing my artistic passion with my academic pursuits. As my designs evolved, so did my creative vision. After graduating from the University of Florida in 2022, I ventured into the world of shirting and embroidery. Each new design was meticulously crafted, drawing inspiration from my love of family history and my passion for adding a touch of modern flair.

In the year following graduation, I embarked on an exciting partnership with LoveShack Fancy, bringing my designs to life in a unique way. With trunk shows in all their fourteen beautiful locations, I introduced a patch bar concept, allowing clients to customize their own pieces in-store. This interactive experience brought a new level of personalization and creativity to Romi Basha Designs, fostering a deeper connection between me and my supporters! My collection of embroidered shirts gained popularity for their uniqueness and the stories they carried within. In the heart of my artistic process, I remain committed to my mission of spreading joy and positivity through my designs.

To me, it's more than just creating fashionable apparel; it's about adding good vibes to people's lives and making the world a happier, more colorful place. I am deeply grateful for all your continued support and am so excited for what's in store!!!

Thank you for being a part of this incredible journey.

